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Next Steps

When we make Jesus Lord of our life, we are committing to follow Him and become like Him.  The New Testament gives us a glimpse of what a Christian (a ‘little Christ’) looks like and behaves like.  We call the process of becoming like Jesus ‘discipleship’.  Discipleship is a journey that encompasses all of who we are and what we do.

Along that journey, we will encounter key milestones that lead us to new growth.  The Next Steps exist to help clarify the path of discipleship.  They act as a road-map for the journey.  Each Next Step includes a relationship, environment, or tool that you can utilize to begin growing towards that milestone.

Using the Next Steps begins with recognizing where you are.  Determine which of the steps you are currently growing in and then discover what your Next Step looks like.

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Although every journey is unique, each one begins with a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.  Recognizing that He is Lord of your life and placing your faith in Him is the first and most critical step.

Check out these resources to guide you along the way:

  • KNOW JESUS: Know Jesus is a study-resource for two people.  This conversation guide will walk you through what God’s Word has to say about a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
  • KNOW JESUS FAMILY EDITION: Our Know Jesus guide designed for families with Elementary age children.
  • EVANGELISM TRAINING: A multi-week study that will equip you with the knowledge and resources that you’ll need to share your faith.  
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Beginning the journey towards becoming like Jesus can be challenging.  Many of us feel like we are learning a foreign language when we first choose to follow Jesus. A healthy relationship with God requires intentionality, so we need to learn the basics of how to grow with Him.  We call these Jesus-habits or Practices.

Check out the various Practices that we believe can help you to grow to be more like Jesus:

Prayer: Having a conversation with God.

Fasting: Giving up something to focus on God.

Read Scripture: Learning to read God’s Word and apply it.

Meditation: Rewiring your mind with God’s Word.

Relationships: Finding accountability and encouragement.

Sabbath: Resting in the presence of God.

Rule of Life: Developing a rhythm with your practices.

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God established His Church to be a force of good in this world.  It is His design that every Christ-follower is connected to a church community that is seeking to honor Him.  Gain an idea of who CCW is and how you can become a team member in our two part Foundations series.

Sign up for our two-part Foundations series:

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Each of us has been designed to be truly known, but that’s difficult in a large church community.  The model that Jesus gave us to address this issue is called discipleship. Through discipling relationships, we grow in wisdom while receiving encouragement and accountability.  There are many ways to get connected to a disciple-maker, but one of the best is a Discipleship Group – a group of people navigating towards Jesus together.



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Each of us has been designed by God to serve in His world with a purpose.  Discovering your SHAPE (Spiritual gifts, Heart, Ability, Personality, and Experiences) can help you to discover what God has designed you for.  We can help you discover the Ministry Team that’s right for you so that you can begin to serve others in a life-transforming way.

DISCOVER YOUR SHAPE: Discover the steps towards a deeper understanding of how God has designed you for ministry.

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Each of us has a variety of resources that have been given to us by God: time, talents, and treasures.  Stewardship is the act of learning how to use those resources in a way that honors God.

Two great resources to help guide you along the way:

  • STEWARD CHALLENGE: A study resource that helps you discover what God’s Word has to say about stewardship.
  • FINANCIAL PEACE UNIVERSITY: FPU has helped thousands of people by teaching them basic principles on money management.
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Each person has a God-designed leadership capacity.  As you grow in your relationship with Jesus, it’s important to discover those skills so that you can use them in a mighty way for God’s Kingdom.

Check out these leadership resources: