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Live Services

Services @ 9 & 11am


Happily Generous

Everyone wants to be happy. Most people want to be generous. But how many of us understand the powerful connection between the two pursuits? 
Jesus himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Might the road to happiness be paved with generosity? Although our benevolent God embedded in our genes the desire to give, sometimes worldly pursuits, cultural pressures, possession obsession, and a scarcity mentality divert us from the very things that can lead us to a better life. But there is hope for change and a path forward. 

Regardless of the circumstance, we’re offering online services just for you! Join our live stream this Sunday live with friends and family despite the distance. Whether you’re wearing your Sunday best or gathered around in your PJ’s, we’ve put together an online experience so you can celebrate from your living room. Music, art, and preaching come together to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ for all people.

Looking for more?

We won’t leave you hanging! From extra resources to getting to know us, we’ve included the following information to help you on your journey.

Tools to Take with You

Church has always been more than a building. We continue to do our best so you
have the tools you need to learn and grow wherever you are. In study and devotion,
alone with God or with others – we’ve put together some resources we think you’ll like!

Check us out!

Daily devotionals, previous sermons, and friends waiting to be made. Check us out on Facebook and be sure to tune in on Sunday to watch the service live.

For the Family

We’re known for our focus on the family, but only because Jesus did it first! No matter what grade you’re in, the CCW family has something for your family to connect you with one another and with Jesus.

Got Questions?

Want to get to know us better? What a coincidence, we want to get to know you too! Feel free to check out the “I’m New” page at the top for general information on regular services or contact us directly to see how we can help.