The Church needs leaders; men and women who are willing to follow God where He may lead and make an impact for His Kingdom. The Leadership Pipeline is Christian Church in the Wildwood’s pathway towards helping Christ-followers to grow to their God-designed leadership capacity. It’s our plan for developing leaders.
We believe that leadership development begins at the grassroots level, with group and ministry leaders developing apprentices. The Developing Apprentices guide outlines our simple process for growing apprentices:
Developing Apprentices
Servant-Leadership Training
Servant-Leadership Training (SLT) is Christian Church in the Wildwood’s four-part class designed to help potential leaders discover:
- The design of Biblical leadership
- The growth plan for leaders at CCW (Leadership Pipeline)
- How to lead healthy groups and teams
- How to develop Apprentices and equip them for leadership
Ultimately, SLT exists so that Christ-followers may discover their God-designed leadership capacity, can begin to traverse the path towards who God created them to be, and discover which discipleship environment(s) is the best fit for their leadership ability.
Register for the next class below: